
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Round Two Of Chemo

Well, I kept my hair until the 2nd round of chemo, but by the weekend it was out. I think loosing my hair was harder to take than receiving the news that I had cancer! But hey it's just hair right? I'll try to keep my head up besides I have a nice cranium! hahaha. So, the 2nd round of chemo was a lot better than the first I opted out of some of the drugs and was able to drink more water to flush my system faster. My spacers are coming along just fine I'm half way there so i will have plenty of time to heal before the next surgery. My blood counts are starting to drop but all is well I'm back to work until the next round. I'm just thankful for all the great people in my life,  you all get me through when I need it the most, you know who you are! :)

On another note:
I made it to  the Breast Cancer Walk at UCF! Thank you for everyone's support, especially my PIC family that put it all together. And thank you to all that donated, again there are no words to say that shows how thankful I am!

Heather Tatro

1 comment:

  1. Heather,
    Hope all is well with you! How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was great spent it with Joe's family & had a wonderful time. I have some good news for you, call me when you are not busy. Hope to hear from you soon! :)
    Pam LeClerc
